Sunday, November 15, 2015

Citizenship In School- Kliewer

When I began reading this article the first word that stood out to me was segregation... "What its like to be segregated from educational opportunities afforded her non disabled peers"

It reminded me of my high school.
We had an unofficial wing we all called the special wing where they students with a variety of disabilities would go to class.
Funny enough, I never even took electives with a student of any disability- including art or gym. 

As Jackie said in her blog- this article reminded me of the conversation we had in class about segregation. Although it is no specifically directed to race, in a way students with any disabilities is given an unfair disadvantage of learning. They are not uneducable- they are people. They can learn and should be given the same opportunities as every other student to learn, explore and discover.

I really enjoyed the moment went the author talks about Shayne and her blending Issac with the rest of the students by a book. She successfully created a safe learning space for those children- especially for a student who was unable to communicate. By using August's approach early on that student will feel more confident in classrooms later on.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Finn- Extension Of Mary Abbys

Like Mary Abby notes, there are many Delpit connections in "Literacy With An Attitude"

"All of us-teachers and students-were locked into a system of rules and roles that none of us understood and that did not allow for much in the way of education."

Teachers enter into the education without fully understanding the rules and roles of the demographic, socioeconomic backgrounds and so forth. Those students are then not taught the best they could possibly be taught- and is that just? Who is to blame? 

Its a cycle. People are comfortable with the broken system because for it to be different their would have to be change. For justice we need advocates. Like the example Finn uses of Freire- the man who taught the illiterate poor of Brazil. After a conversation of justice and what they want to gain from literacy they were able to move forward. 

Additionally, as Mary Abby stated,  Finn clearly laid out a set of rules for his students. His classroom was then able to run more smoothly. The vice principle often applaud him on his classroom as well. I feel like Delpit would be happy with his teaching style because you gain more knowledge when you are able to understand the rules and roles.  The quote I used earlier explains how difficult it can be to be in a system where you don't know you're place or the codes in that particular environment. 

Talks about the cycle- people are comfortable and the only way to break the chain and for there to be changes in rules and codes of power and justice we need advocates for change. Freire was an advocate for the illiterate poor in brazil